The 'Reconstructed' series has featured reworks by legends such as Steve O'Sullivan, Thomas Melchior and Cobblestone Jazz, whose take on tracks from Paul St. Hilaire and Rhauder's debut LP Derdeoc was originally released in 2017. On the third and final edition in the series, the Berlin based duo's work gets remixed first by the Philpot affiliated Soulphiction who gives "Redeem" a truly fervent re-rub - this is utter dancefloor drama in the vein of Carl Craig. Argentinian veteran Leonel Castillo gets a slinky, bass-heavy groove on with his dub-laden rendition of "Stabilize" while the equally revered Thibideau brothers work their magic as always on their glacial re-rub of the track: where the Canadian twins take it into cavernous territory. They truly conjure those ghosts in the machines on this killer remix.
A1 – Redeem Soulphiction Reconstruction
B1 – Stabilize Leonel Castillo Reconstruction
B2 – Stabilize Mark & Matt Thibideau Reconstruction