Given the talent on display, you'd expect this second Editor's Kutz #5 12" to be rather good. It is, of course, with all four tracks hitting the mark. J Kriv steps up first, layering sweet strings, blissful guitar solos and sparkling synthesizers over a beefed-up jazz-funk groove. Riccio weighs in with the similarly hazy, stoner rock era blue-eyed soul revision "Space Traveller", before The Noodleman loops up acoustic guitars, baggy vocals and twittering flute solos on his house-not-house take on "Baby Doll". Finally, Amsterdam-based bad man Marcel Vogel dons his EmVee guise to drop a heavy chunk of stripped-back, sax-laden disco-house in the shape of EP highlight "Dance The Blues Away".
A1 – Horizonte JKriv rework
A2 – Space Traveler Riccio rework
B1 – Baby Doll The Noodleman rework
B2 – Dance The Blues Away Em Vee edit